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Theatre of Sanctuary

Find out how we are welcoming people seeking sanctuary in Coventry

The Belgrade Theatre became a Theatre of Sanctuary on 21 November 2017. Launched by City of Sanctuary in partnership with  Counterpoint Arts, Theatre of Sanctuary is a title awarded to venues and theatre companies that demonstrate a commitment to welcoming and celebrating refugees and those seeking sanctuary in the UK.

The Belgrade has an ongoing partnership with Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre. From 2019-20, the two organisations worked together on two iterations of a project called Translated, supporting refugee and migrant women to develop their own visual and performing arts projects. In January 2021, we launched a new project in partnership with CRMC, Coventry UK City of Culture Trust, Voluntary Action Coventry and Foleshill Women’s Training, funded by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF).

In 2020, the Belgrade also worked with Coventry City Council to deliver Imagine: Kindness as part of Coventry Welcomes Week. This week-long project saw an original poem by Ethiopian poet Biruk Kebede translated into six different languages.


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